get to know who we are
and what we do
Laura Serebin AIA, LEED APPresident / CEOJanie Angeleri IIDAPrincipalJoe Birdwell AIA, LEED Green AssociateAssociate PrincipalDavid Black AIAPrincipalKelly BlissManaging Director, Boston OfficeAmanda BreitenbachAssociate Principal, Creative DirectorCole Brunson AIA, LEED APPrincipal, PlannerCedric Christian AIA, LEED APDirector of the Gainesville OfficeAllison Ciafardini AIA, LEED AP BD+CScience PlannerAndrew Cunningham RIBA, LEED APPrincipalJeffrey De Laura ASLA, LEED APDirector of Landscape ArchitectureBen de Rubertis AIA, LEED AP BD+C, ULIPrincipalSinh Dinh AIAAssociate Principal, PlannerRuss Drinker AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, WELL APDirector of West Coast Science & TechnologyRoss FerriesScience PlannerMitchell Fox AIA, LEED APAssociate PrincipalKara Freihoefer PhD, NCIDQ, EDAC, LEED ID+CAssociate Principal, Director of Healthcare ResearchErin Frush WRID, IIDA, WELL APAssociate Principal, Interior DesignerJavier Garay CAMPrincipalMatt Garrett AIA, LEED APPrincipalMathew Grant AIA, ACHA, NCARBAssociate Principal, Director of Healthcare, MadisonPrabhjot Gulati RAAssociate PrincipalLaura Ham RA, LEED Green AssociateAssociate Principal, Project ManagerGrace Han AIA, LEED AP BD+CAssociate Principal, Director of the New York OfficePaul Hansen AIA, LEED APPrincipalMatthew HartScience PlannerZac Heaps AIA, LEED AP BD+C, WELL APAssociate Principal, Project DesignerSteve Jackson LEED AP BD+CPrincipalJeff JohnsonPlannerJennifer Kauls LEED APInterior DesignerJill Kuper AIA, LEED BD+CAssociate PrincipalLauren Lazarescu MSIEAssociate Principal, Director of Healthcare Program DevelopmentStuart Lewis LEED APPrincipal, PlannerPaul Lourich AIA, LEED APAssociate PrincipalLiam Lowry AIAPrincipal, Design DirectorGerardo ManzanaresScience PlannerJoseph Marshall AIA, LEED AP BD+CPrincipalJamie Matthys MBAPrincipal, Director of Strategic PlanningMatt McCord AIA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+CAssociate PrincipalKevin McGinnity PEAssociate PrincipalDanielle McGuireDirector of Science and Technology, SoutheastRamon Moll AIAAssociate PrincipalAlma MontemayorDirector of Project DevelopmentMike Moreland LEED AP BD+CPrincipalJeff MorinDirector of Structural EngineeringJodi MulcahyPrincipal, National Director of Marketing and StrategyChuck Mummert AIA, LEED AP BD+CPrincipalTina Napralla IIDA, WRID, WELL APAssociate Principal, Interior DesignerBill Nathans AIADirector of Healthcare, New YorkRachel Nelan AIA, LEED APPrincipalMauricio Ortega AIA, LEED Green AssociateAssociate Principal, DesignerHayley Peralta Pinto AIA, NCARBAssociate PrincipalRoss Pinski ASLA, LEED APAssociate Principal, Director of Landscape ArchitectureAlvaro Quintana International Assoc. AIAAssociate Principal, DesignerPhilip Ra AIA, LEED AP BD+CPrincipal, Design DirectorKimberly Reddin AIA, LEED AP BD+C, WELL APPrincipal, Director of SustainabilityJeff ReifDirector of Structural EngineeringPeggy RobbinsPrincipalJorge RodriguezScience Planner/Planning Leaders-0Steven Ryder AIAExecutive Director of the San Diego OfficeEric SchappeDirector of TechnologyKevin Schellenbach AIA, LEED AP BD+CAssociate Principal, DesignerRandy Schmitgen IIDA, LEED APPrincipal, Interior DesignAlana Schrader NCIDQ, IIDA, LEED APAssociate Principal, Planner and Interior DesignerSusan Seastone RA, NCARB, LEED AP BD+CAssociate PrincipalDeborah Smith AIA, FACHA, LEED AP BD+CAssociate Principal, Director of the Tampa OfficePat Spoden AIA, LEED APAssociate PrincipalElizabeth Strutz MSIE, PMP, Assoc. AIAAssociate Principal, Director of Process InnovationKim Swanson AIA, LEED AP BD+CAssociate Principal, Project ManagerChris Swigert AIAAssociate PrincipalAnne Thompson RA, LEED APAssociate Principal, Project ArchitectDoug TiltonAssociate Principal, Project ManagerLauri TyrrellAssociate Principal, PlannerMarc Walker AIA, LEED APPrincipalSarah Weiser-Ward AIA, LEED AP BD+CPlannerLisa Welgehausen RA, NCARB, LEED APAssociate PrincipalStevens Williams AIA, LEED AP BD+CPrincipalDoug Winning LEED APScience PlannerSara Wolf IIDA, WRIDInterior DesignerJohn Wroblewski AIA, NCARBScience PlannerDanielle Yeaton AIA, LEED APScience PlannerChad Zuberbuhler Assoc. AIAPrincipal, Planner
Laura SerebinLaura
SerebinPresident / CEO
SerebinPresident / CEO
Laura SerebinPresident / CEO
Chuck MummertChuck
Chuck MummertPrincipal
Rachel NelanRachel
Rachel NelanPrincipal
Andrew CunninghamAndrew
Andrew CunninghamPrincipal
Paul HansenPaul
Paul HansenPrincipal
Ben de RubertisBen
de RubertisPrincipal
de RubertisPrincipal
Ben de RubertisPrincipal
Jeff JohnsonJeff
Jeff JohnsonPlanner
Cole BrunsonCole
Cole BrunsonPrincipal
Stuart LewisStuart
Stuart LewisPrincipal
Bill NathansBill
NathansDirector of Healthcare, New York
NathansDirector of Healthcare, New York
Bill NathansDirector of Healthcare, New York
Randy SchmitgenRandy
Randy SchmitgenPrincipal
Chad ZuberbuhlerChad
Chad ZuberbuhlerPrincipal
Elizabeth StrutzElizabeth
StrutzAssociate Principal
StrutzAssociate Principal
Elizabeth StrutzAssociate Principal
Deborah SmithDeborah
SmithAssociate Principal
SmithAssociate Principal
Deborah SmithAssociate Principal
Marc WalkerMarc
Marc WalkerPrincipal