University of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Drone-captured exterior at duskUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Interior open versatile workspace with wall mural of artist's interpretation of poultry themed art in bright colorsUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Interior hallway installation of 100 years of poultry innovationUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Interior of building entry with people working in open workspaces. Original wall mural of artist's interpretation of poultry themed art in bright colors on one wall.University of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Drone captured overall building exterior at dusk captured straight on showing entry and landscape with curved pedestrian path in foreground with people walkingUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Interior hallway image of 'Laying the foundation for our future' 3d installation donor wallUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Interior flexible classroom space with peopleUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Tree lined exterior shot of back side of building with walking path along it.University of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Interior hallway with window showing inside of physiology and management lab. 3D art and monitor display mounted on hall wall next to window.University of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Classroom lab with teacher and studentsUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Students studying in space &ndash; captured through egg graphic on stairway windowUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Drone-captured building exterior of side entry and tree lined path along back of building.University of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex: Interior of research lab with people


University of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science ComplexUniversity of Georgia - Poultry Science Complex

University of Georgia

Poultry Science Complex

A world-class poultry science facility

Supporting excellence and leadership in Georgia's top industry, the Poultry Science Complex at UGA provides a new home for one of the country's top-ranked poultry science programs. This state-of-the-art facility supports the innovation needed to solve current challenges and discover new possibilities, aiding in recruitment of the field's most talented researchers and continued growth and development of the next generation of food science leaders.

The new, 75,000-square-foot building replaces the original 1959 facility, providing a modern environment designed to enhance and expand the department's instruction and research capabilities. Flexible classrooms and teaching labs are situated among spaces focused on research, introducing students to the process of professional inquiry and discovery early in their course of study. It will be a driver for developing fresh talent within the poultry sector and its supporting entities, as well as a place to foster collaboration and innovation across multiple disciplines to address the evermore complex questions facing this industry.

The Food Product Lab is a highlight of the facility. Focused on product testing and innovation, it is designed as a showpiece within the building to accommodate external partnerships and aid in recruitment. Further supporting industry collaborations, a flexible seminar space hosts events. Design of the interior weaves experiential graphics and educational displays throughout the public spaces, connecting occupants and visitors with the story of the university's innovative poultry research discoveries. The building's neo-Georgian exterior design is coupled with a sustainability rating goal of 3 Georgia Peaches, creating harmony with this university's traditional campus context while supporting state-of-the-art program advancements into the future.

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LocationAthens, Georgia

Recognition2024 CMAA Project Achievement Award

Project TypeAcademic

UGA Poultry Science Complex