Stony Brook University
Advanced Energy Center
Next generation energy research
The Advanced Energy Center is forging partnerships between universities, industries, and national laboratories through the development of reliable, economical, and plentiful sources of energy. Leveraging existing capabilities and partnerships, the Center promotes clean and economical energy through research, application, and outreach programs.
The facility includes five scientific-focus areas: renewable energy, hydrogen energy, fuel cells, conventional fuels, and energy conservation. The Center's objective is to provide a variety of flexible laboratory and technical spaces that are available to industry, university, and national laboratory communities to perform highly specialized research focused on energy issues. Core facilities to support these flexible labs include analytical chemistry, microscopy, chemical synthesis, and biofuel labs. Research programs in the flexible labs will continually change to accommodate new technologies and fields of study.
Consistent with the scientific mission of this facility, design and construction incorporate sustainable design principles. The Center has received LEED Platinum certification and is one of only a handful of LEED Platinum laboratory facilities in the nation.